
Bovada’s #Whatsyawager Promotion Offers High Yield Super Bowl 55 Prop Parlays

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While many football fanatics are contemplating which Super Bowl 55 betting options to risk their bankroll on, Bovada is asking, #Whatsyawager?

Bovada is one of the top online sportsbooks available in the United States and has been providing industry-leading customer service for two decades. Check out our review of Bovada to learn about all of the extensive features that they offer to their patrons.

For Super Bowl LV, Bovada has dedicated an entire page to #Whatsyawager betting odds that ask all sorts of questions with high paying money line odds attached to each choice.

NFL money line bet types are attractive because the odds are laid out in such a way where it is easy to locate which options offer the highest payouts.

The highest positive money line odds equate to the largest payouts, and some bettors skim sportsbooks for these opportunities. For instance, Bovada has placed +3300 odds on the chance of either Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady (or any other quarterback that plays in the game) passing for more than 500 yards.

That means each dollar placed on this occurrence will earn $33. We wouldn’t recommend betting more than a dollar either, and when you do, consider it a low payout lottery ticket with better odds.

Sportsbooks produce thousands of Super Bowl prop bets in order to capture as much revenue and attention from the casual bettors that partake in the action while they gather at watch parties.

A sound Super Bowl betting strategy always includes some budgeted bankroll that allows for a few single dollar bets to be placed on these astronomical odds. For instance, if you spend $5 dollars making 5 bets on +3000 or higher money line SB odds, then you’ve at least given yourself a fighting chance to turn that $5 into $30+.

Another reason we recommend only placing a $1 bet on each of these Super Bowl money lines is that sportsbook sites often place a low cap on these wagers.

However, the line we mentioned above regarding either QB surpassing 500 yards has a max bet of $75.75. If bettors risk the maximum amount, the payout would be $2499.75.

What’s super-convenient is that Bovada has listed all of these #Whatsyawager Super Bowl betting odds out in a single page that places them in the order of lowest to highest in regard to the money line odds.

Here are a few more examples of some of these high paying Super Bowl 55 odds, with many of them featuring reasonably achievable outcomes.

Bovada’s #Whatsyawager Super Bowl LV Betting Odds

  • Chiefs Win, Points Are Scored In Every Quarter, & Tyreek Hill (KC) Scores TD +175
  • Tampa Wins, Tom Brady (TB) Wins MVP & Passes for 220+ Yards, Leonard Fournette (TB) Scores TD +500
  • Travis Kelce (KC) Scores First TD & Tyreek Hill (KC) Scores Last TD +5000
  • Ronald Jones (TB) Scores 1st TD & Clyde Edwards-Helaire (KC) Scores Last TD +25000

While many of the above scenarios seem likely, pairing them all together in one line creates a ready-made Super Bowl prop parlay.

An NFL parlay bet is when more than one outcome is included into a single wager, and requires both outcomes to be successful in order for the bet to win. When outcomes are paired up, the odds and the payouts increase because the probability decreases.

Bovada has compiled a payload of parlay prop bets for Super Bowl 55 and if any one of them succeeds, the cash prizes can reach enormous totals. These payouts cannot be won without placing a bet, so get on over to Bovada and answer the question – #Whatsyawager?

You can visit Bovada Sportsbook for more information.

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